Bring tennis to your school. Northern New Mexico wants to grow a strong tennis base in our community through the USTA schools tennis program.
You can participate in this vision! Consider starting an after-school tennis club, providing a lunchtime tennis drop-in, or bringing tennis to the PE classroom. Contact Colleen Ramnath at or 732-407-7222 to visit about helping out in your neighborhood school today.

Its easy. The USTA Northern New Mexico acquires permission from the school district to distribute USTA Tennis Programming information in schools. You pick the school you want to work with. We meet with the principal together.
We plan a six-week After-School Tennis Program with the school, including day and time, class size, program fees, class location, and official registrations. You get equipment and training from the USTA. Then you teach the class. After-school is that simple.
If you have a busy schedule and don't have the time to commit to a rigid afternoon program schedule. Then maybe you would like to consider setting up
Lunchtime Drop-In Tennis at your school. This program is less rigid with no fees, schedules or commitments. We still meet with the principal and organize a plan for the drop-in sessions. You still get equipment and training from the USTA.
As an organizer, and upon registation of your after-school tennis program or lunchtime drop-in tennis, we register your school as a
USTA Kids' Tennis Clubs at You receive a Kids Club Program Playbook and Clipboard. Small stipends from the Northern New Mexico Tennis Association District and from the New Mexico Youth Tennis Foundation are available to reward organizers and coaches. Call Becky for details and
Get Started Today!

The USTA Schools Staff has developed an in-school tennis curriculum and in-service training designed for PE teachers. With twenty or more teachers, area tennis trainers will provide the 3-hour
free training session. To view a black and white pdf of the school curriculum, click
here. For a sample of the pocket guide, view
The School Organizer of the training session will be given an equipment package and skillastics tennis game. Pocket Guide, DVD Instructional Video, Management Book, and Stations Signs are available for a small purchase price. Ask how to get these for free.
This interactive training is fun and valuable to all PE Teachers. It makes for a great first time tennis experience or a great refresher for the experienced tennis teacher. Contact Colleen Ramnath at for more information.