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NNM JV Season Finishes Strong

April 19, 2015 06:20 PM
On Sunday April 19th, the 14th Annual USTA NNMTA Junior Varsity League and Tournament finished up their season at the Albuquerque Academy.  In 2001 Sue Jollensten began the JV Program.  In 2015 we had 269 players compete for 14 schools in the metro area.  There were 35 teams that competed in the year end tournament.  Their results are listed below.
In addition to the metro JV league, the Northern Counties ran weekend JV events.  Bruce Cotrell from Los Alamos coordinated a series of weekend tournaments - Farmington, Los Alamos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque.  JV teams from Farmington HS, Piedra Vista HS, Cleveland HS, Taos HS, West Las Vegas HS and Robertson HS, Los Alamos HS, Santa Fe HS, Albuquerque Academy and Bosque School were invited to participate.  The results were published in Maxprep.
Here are the Metro JV Tournament results:
Girls Flight 1
15JVAA1GMain Draw Finals
La Cueva 1 shown at right with Coach Liz Briganti defeated Rio Rancho shown at right and below with Coach Laurel Beisner.
Score: 4-2
Shanlee Longmire-Monford LC def Nicole Hausen RR 4-0
Libby Vaughan LC def Tina Nguyen RR 6-0
Divya Rajput LC def Melissa Kilci RR 6-3
Breanna Ford RR def Shannon Cole LC 7-6
Longmire-Monford/Heather Holmes LC def Mayumi RR 6-2
Nguyen/Ford RR def Vaughan/Ella Pinceloup RR 7-5
15JVBConsolation Back Daw Finals
Belen 1 coached by Elizabeth von Toll defeated Volcano Vista
Score:  6-0
Madison Armijo B def Reagan Robnett VV 6-1
Shania Sanchez B def Lexxus Salazar VV 6-0
Jillian Silva B def Martina Rodriguez VV 6-1
Jasmine Hernandez B def Martina Lara VV 6-4
Armijo/Sanchez B def Robnett/Salazar VV 6-2
Silva/Hernandez B def Rodriguez/Lara VV 6-2
Girls Flight 2
15JVAA2GMain Draw Finals
Albuquerque Academy 2 coached by Melissa Bash defeated La Cueva 2 coached by Lorraine Gullett
Score:  4-2
Amanda Martin LC def Catie Lacey AA 6-1
Aiden Allen AA def Brianna Martinez LC 6-1
Elli Vassilo AA def Sabrina Brightwell LC 7-5
Adela Gallegos AA def Jennifer Nguyen LC 6-0
Martin/Martinez LC def Lacey/Vassilo LC 7-6
T'ea Salazar/Megan McCorquidale AA def Brightwell/Nguyen LC 6-2
15JVEHS2GConsolation Back Draw Finals
Eldorado 2 coached by Ken Hanks (AKA Tom Hanks) defeated Los Lunas 2
Score:  4-2
Aili Smith E def Faith Sanborn LL 6-3
Madison Segotta E def Keiry Nunez LL 6-4
M'dale Little E def Karen Ortiz LL 6-3
Melina Cruz LL def Nora Martinez E 6-3
Smith/Little E def Sanborn/Mariah Ronquillo LL 6-3
Cruz/Patricia Windbiel LL def Segotta/Ivanna Gomez E 6-4
Boys Flight 1
15JVAA1Main Draw Finals
Albuquerque Academy 1, shown right with Coach Mike Cheves, defeated Los Lunas 1, shown right and below with Coach Matt Castillo.
Score:  4-2
Guilluome Roux LL def Matt Guido AA 6-0
Jack David AA def Austin Solano LL 7-5
Raffa Moore AA def Don Gonzalez LL 7-5
Will Gebhardt AA def Stryder Lucero LL 6-4
Roux/Solano LL def Shane Johns/Jordan Melendez AA 6-3
Guido/Carter Caldwell AA def Jesus Andrade/Jorge Zuniga LL 6-0
Back Draw Finals
Home School 1, shown at right with coach Roy Canada, defeated La Cueva 1
Score:  5-1
Andrew Canada HS def Grant Hendrickson LC 7-6
Grant Bamberg HS def Paul Rademacher LC 62
Kumail Rizvi LC def Parker Cannon HS 7-6
Jared Cannon HS def Andrew Doughty LC 6-1
Canada/Bamberg HS def Hendrickson/Rademacher LC 6-1
Isaac Nance/P. Cannon HS def Rizvi/Doughty LC 6-1
Boys Flight 2
15JVAA2Main Draw Finals
Albuquerque Academy, coached by Mike Cheves shown to the right, defeated Albuquerque HS, coached by Ed Benavidez shown to the right and below.
Score:  6-0
Curtis McNary AA def Tyler Gann A 6-0
Kevin Xue AA def Nick Gilletley A 6-0
Eric Mozzno AA def Paul Onor A 6-0
Scott Manning AA def Merik Vanis 6-2
Eric Moreno/Xue AA def Gilletley/Vanis 6-0
McNary/Gage Fox AA def Gann/Onor 6-1
15JVBSConsolation Back Draw Finals
Bosque School defeated La Cueva 3
Score:  5-1
Parker Engles B def Truman Clark LC 6-0
Liam Sturge B def Haojie Chen LC 6-3
Connor Woods B def Akshay Jain LC 6-1
Michael Allen B def Hrithik Parel LC 6-3
Connor Chant/Basilio Degregoria B def Clark/Parel LC 6-0
Chen/Jain LC def Evan Berney/Gabriel Saiz B 6-0




