Northern New Mexico was proud to support our three teams that qualified for JTT Nationals: The Lobo 14s captained by Beth Keeling and coached by LIndsay Stansifer; The Tanoan Racqueteers captained by David Krauss and coached by Andy Cramer; and the the Academy Team captained and coached by Suzanne Korsan. All the teams had very respectable wins in their pool play matches. Word from the teams was that the best part of going was spending time with friends and making new friends....
A short note from the Tanoan Racqueteers:
The Tanoan Racqueteers (shown in cover photo) had a blast at Jr Team Tennis18s Intermediate Nationals in Columbia, South Carolina this past weekend. The team came in 12th (out of 16 sections) and battled hard every match during the 3 day event. Shepard Moore and Louisa Mackenzie both received "Great Sports Make Sports Great" recognition and the team overall showed great spirit and determination. The Racqueteers loved having Suzanne Korsan's Academy team (shown to the right) there as well to cheer for and tear up the town with!
Racqueteer Members: Clare Donahue, Caroline Donahue, Micaela Seazzu, Louisa Mackenzie, Ben Krauss, Henry Collis, Gavin Korsan, Christian Fitzgerald, Shepard Moore (and Maddie Salazar who did not make the trip) Coach Andy Cramer and Team Manager David Krauss.
The team would like to thank Tanoan Country Club, Dave Pitts, the Northern New Mexico Tennis Association, the New Mexico Youth Tennis Foundation, the USTA Southwest Section and everyone who bought raffle tickets or otherwise supported the team on their march to Nationals!
At the time of publication, we could not reach the 18s Academy Team or 14s Lobo Team for a story. We wanted to say Congratulations to everyone! Academy 18s Team Members were Paige Renken, Ingrid Mauricio, Lainie Korsan, Helen Nordquist, Ben Petry, Mason Mellott, and Alex Dunning. Lobo 14s Team Members were William Bixler, George Brunacini, Jack Daly, David Atkin, Lindsey McMillan, Danielle Varro, Abigail Nielsen, Sewit Yohannes and Kate Keeling.